19 February 2012

"Minutes" 13/02/12

Oooft. Well, to start, I have to confess I didn't take any notes as minutes. This is why:


Kinda needed to get that out of my system. You see, dear Maddrimers, I spent a lot of my day last Monday wrestling with the equipment in order to get the Drama Group's Character Profile film on time for Nike. This didn't happen; I arrived at the editing suite for 1, Roseanne had to leave to go sooth (WE MISS YOU ALREADY) at 2, and the equipment couldn't come any earlier than after she'd gone. So, I dutifully uploaded the tape to the Mac, with the help of Cara on the phone (thank yoou!).
But, the stupid thing went and CRASHED. Our footage was lost.
This happened repeatedly.
I was not having fun.

But, of course, Maddrim's still awesome! - Just be wary that sometimes, without warning, computers dislike you. That is all.

The actual goings-on themselves, minus me in a foul mood, were successful! The Documentary Group had a good skype session, and Nike was very understanding that our film wasn't ready and extended the deadline. Also, when the actual meeting started, we saw a couple of new faces! Of course, we loyally played "The Name and Fact Game" to get started - of which Willem's and Daniel's BOTH related to how they BOTH have had leg injuries and are hobbling around on crutches (we send our sympathies, and thanks a lot for both coming at all).

Since many of our newer members hadn't actually seen any Maddrim films, they gathered around Craig's laptop to get a taste of What We Do, while Marjolein collected money, since we're all official now and have the Constitution to adhere to, and we edited the Drama footage.

Yes, as soon as Willem tried, it captured without a hitch.

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