12 October 2011

Minutes 10/10/11

Present: Cara, Shaela, Mareel, Marjolein, Ceidiog, Joe, Eilidh, Willem, Chloe W, Barnum, Mathew, Peter, Katya. e.g - lots of people!

We had an AGENDA today. I have to say, Maddrim is turning into quite the organised little group!
We got the “bad news” first – First Light funding is impossible for us to get. We’d basically have to write a ridiculously detailed report on EACH 90 sec ninja short – to the extent of including CVs and stuff. So, no. But that’s ok! There are plenty of other pots of money that we’re going to try for instead. Maybe next year...

Numero 2:
My notes say “Email Jacqui!!!!” with a lot of intense underlining to help me remember. I’ll go do that. Right now.
Okay, well that’s that done. Now to wait...I’ve asked her politely whether we’ll can get some money for our Tall Ships commission, because then we are much closer to buying a camera of our own, which would be SO COOL.

Next Workshop! - Monday, Islesburgh, yes: reminders will be sent as per usual.
This will be the Advert Workshop that we’ve apparently already had, way back in the dawn of time, and was good fun! Marjolein has an idea for a ridiculously OTT version of the Galaxy advert. (Y)
I think Willem will bring his camera too. 

This week’s weird anomaly in my notes whose origins I don’t understand:
“Plane sponge. do do do”

Ninja Academy!
We added some more ideas, delegated them, and went into threes to develop them. I even saw some STORYBOARDING :D (This makes me happy, if no one else).
We were wondering if we could make us of an actual Chinese restaurant for our Noodle Competition and Canteen scenes. Which reminds me, I’ll speak to Ellen from Baroc...
NOODLE PIE! *over-excitement*
Oh, and we want the school bell to be a massive gong. (Not cymbals.)
The deadline for properly developed ideas is the 24th. Filming soon! :D

And, Liam (one of the PK people) has gotten back to me saying that some of his friends were interested in taking part – this would be brilliant as they can do fancy impressive ninja-like moves that we are, sadly, incapable of...but we can learn! (Totally...)

Think that’s everything!
See ya,

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